I conducted a bit of an experiment of non epic proportions by turning off me blog to see if anyone was actually following it, and nope no one was apart from family and a good mate in Ireland. So was this randomly thrown together of blabbering's a waste of cyber space? From the point of view of people on a higher mountain gazing down it's more than likely a total waste of time, but for my mate and my family for them to be able to see what I'm up to being so far away it's totally worth it. So here we go again, the random stories and photos in a life of yours truly is continuing on. Here's to my family and me mate in Ireland, thanks for your support. A lot of these shots have already been published on facebook but me family and mate don't have fb so no apologies hahaha
Since I last wrote I kinda took a bit of a holiday in Ireland, it was so good catching up with mates and making some new ones. What was supposed to be 10 weeks turned into 17 weeks! Funny enough I can't say too much about it as I'm hoping my story of my time in Ireland will end up in a mag, but I can say I had loads of Guinness, fun and photographing big waves. Am pretty sure it was the most consistent average sized season Mullaghmore's seen in it's surfing history, some season to come back to! Think the guys and Easkey got a total of 7 XXL nominations from me shots, stoked for them as they were charging all winter and deserved every bit of exposure they got. And to top the adventure off "Prowlers" broke 6 days before I left, only the second time it has ever been surfed at this size, the first happened 8 days before I left in 2010! Getting one day out there was a dream come true nearly causing a breakdown with a few too many pints of the black stuff, but getting 2 days out there was beyond my wildest dreams. It's every photographers dream to get a break they are so passionate about going off, saying that thou if it wasn't for the crew that ventured out their it would be just another wave somewhere on the west coast. Big thanks to surfers Paul, Barry, Neil, Conor, Dylan, Kurt and the boat crew of Declan and Michal, you guys are legends.

Strandhill, well what do I say that I haven't before? Pretty much the best place to live, it definitely has an identity of it's own with everyone who lives their embracing all it has to offer especially surfing, the music/pub scene, great restaurants/cafes, the coast and beautiful scenery. The people are still the same awesome smiley people, of course I had to catch up with as many as I could over a decent pint of Guinness or 2! Over the coming weeks/months I slowly caught up with everyone exchanging stories of the past 3 years and with the amount of waves this winter stories of new of the "Great winter of 2013/14" and meeting all the new additions with a mini baby boom. One thing I found a bit oddball though was my photo of Dylan@Mullaghmore that was used for a sign for Strandhill surf school had been ordered down by the good old Sligo council, just found it a bit weird as it wasn't doing any harm up their and everyone loved it.

For me this trip was about photographing big waves and catching up with mates, I could not have written a script better for how my time panned out, a lot of highs. I've seen more big waves, had more pints, meet with more mates, made more new mates and most importantly have laughed and smiled more in 17 weeks than I had in the last 3 years! A big highlight for me was meeting John's son, such cool kid, full of life. It was great to be able to hang out with John's wife Deb and their son so much, big thanks to Deb for helping me out with shopping and inviting me to Shells on numerous occasions. I'd also like to say thanks to Paul for involving me in the pumping big wave season, you're a kind person and a true mate. A big thanks to Graham and Claire for putting me up for a few days and letting me borrow the awesome red machine, and yes it would've made a darn funny photo with you and me in the front Graham! I'm still working on the gift I have coming for you, Irish customs sent it back so it'll be another month yet... Cheers John, you're a good mate and thanks for the hangovers!
Aine and Sylvester good luck with the new addition on it's way and cheers for the dinners, it was totally awesome seeing you again. Bazza, what do I say. You've come a long way in the last 3 years, the confidence has grown in you for big waves and it made my trip seeing how you charge out at Mullaghmore. It's so exciting knowing that you will be out their on most swells in the coming winters doing what you do best, good luck for the coming seasons mate. Katie you're awesome and am so stoked I met you, I wish I had the chance to photograph you charging like a wounded bull windsurfing and wish we had met earlier on getting to know each other more exchanging big wave and travel stories over a few pints. The Strand bar and all it's staff once again cheers, Dave you're a funny fecka, cheers for the laughs. John, Johnston and Neil good luck with it all and I hope the big prints do your shop justice, thanks for everything and screw the feckn council and put me darn sign back up hahaha
So once again I left, but this time leaving knowing I will be back and when I do come back it's going to be awesome. Thanks to all in Ireland and here's a few shots, what a tripping trip aye
Great music talent in Ireland |
If you're going to have a go at Mullaghmore you will need experience in getting smashed, good set of lungs, knowledge, 6mm wetsuit, skill and big gonads as this is what you should expect to encounter surfing this beautiful monster. Don't be a knob and paddle out their without watching the crew tackle it and having a chat with them first, they're good people and will help you out how ever they can to make your session as safe as possible. Mullaghmore is to not to be taken lightly, it's one frign heaving gnarly wave, here's some shots that might make ya think twice from this last winter...
That's 40ft on the face |
Wave in a Wave |
Better look up |
Barry Mottershead about to be in a world of pain |
Sancho getting blasted out of the barrel over a torrent of boils... |